I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eagerly picked up what seemed like a pristine, perfectly ripe avocado at the supermarket, only to slice it open at home and discover an unappetizing shade of brown lurking within. If you’ve had similar avocado disappointments, I’ve got some great news for you: there’s a nifty trick to suss out the inside quality right there in the grocery aisle.

Green or brown, you can tell in the supermarket!

how to check if avocado is overripe

You see, the key to identifying a ripe avocado is to give it a gentle squeeze. It should yield slightly under pressure, no longer rock-hard. The catch? Even if they feel perfect on the outside, avocados can be hiding a less-than-appetizing secret within, sporting shades of brown or even spots of mold.

To pre-screen your avocados at the store, here’s the scoop: pluck that little stem right off and take a peek inside the stem cavity. If it’s green in there, you’ve struck gold – your avocado is just as fantastic on the inside. But if that stem cavity looks brown or spotty, you’re staring at an overripe avocado, likely with some undesirable brown spots on the horizon.

Can you still eat avocados with brown spots?

if an avocado is brown inside is it bad

Now, this question isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. Avocados turn brown for various reasons, and not all of them render the fruit inedible.

You should toss that avocado in the bin if it’s entirely riddled with brown spots or little craters, or worse, if you spot any mold. Those sneaky, health-threatening spores might have taken over, and we’re not here for that.

But if it’s just a small, brownish blemish on your avocado, don’t fret. You can simply trim it away and enjoy the rest of your avocado worry-free. Those sporadic brown patches are usually the result of a little extra pressure.

what are the brown spots inside an avocado

And when your avocado inevitably takes on a brownish tint after cutting it open, don’t sweat it! It’s just like a sliced apple – they both undergo that same browning process due to oxidation, the moment they get a taste of oxygen. But rest assured, the flavor remains top-notch, even if the color isn’t as picture-perfect.

How do you keep avocados from going brown?

can you eat an avocado that is brown inside

If you want to preserve that vibrant green color in your cut avocados or avocado purée, thwart the oxidation process with a simple, natural trick. Drizzle a little fresh lemon or lime juice over your sliced avocado pieces, or incorporate that citrusy goodness right into your guacamole or avocado salad.

Lemon and lime juice do double duty by maintaining that luscious green hue while perfectly complementing the creamy fruit.

Pro tip: An avocado slicer can save you time and effort, making it a breeze to separate the green goodness from its skin and keep your culinary adventures rolling smoothly.

About the Author Jessy Adams

Jessy Adams is deeply committed to assisting people in living a more fashionable and healthier lifestyle, and she sincerely feels that this is the key to living a happy life. She has been blogging since 2008. Jessy is the person to go to for advice on fashion, hair, and good eating. She consistently manages to distill difficult themes into tangible advice that her readers can put into action. Jessy's information is always provided in an easy-to-digest format, and she always backs up her advise with credible references.

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