Hey everyone! Today, I wanted to talk about some of the amazing benefits that herbs can have on your skin when used in a facial steam. Facial steams are an incredible way to provide deep cleansing and relaxation for your skin, and adding herbs into the mix can take it up a notch! Herbs like lavender, chamomile, rosemary, thyme and calendula all contain properties that help clear out pores while also calming inflammation. Not only do they smell great, but they’re incredibly effective at purifying the skin too – perfect for those with acne-prone or sensitive complexions.

Herbal facial steam benefits

Facial steaming is an ancient beauty practice that has been used for centuries to help clear pores and revitalize skin. And with the addition of herbs, this age-old ritual can be even more beneficial. Here are some of the top reasons why you should incorporate herbal facial steam into your skincare routine:

1) Cleansing – Herbal steam helps cleanse and purify your skin by removing dirt, oil, bacteria and other impurities from deep within pores. This makes it a great way to keep breakouts at bay while also helping improve overall complexion clarity.

2) Hydration – The hot steam opens up pores, which allows moisture from water or oils in herbs like chamomile or lavender to penetrate deeper into your skin cells for maximum hydration benefits over time when done regularly as part of a skincare routine.

3) Relaxation – Not only does it feel good, but inhaling aromatherapy scents during a facial steam can help reduce stress levels too! Plus, it’s a perfect way to just relax after a long day work or stressful week event before going to bedtime sleep.

4) Circulation – As you inhale warm air during a face steaming session, it increases circulation throughout the body including the face area, bringing nourishment & oxygen needed to promote a healthy glowing complexion.

5) Anti-aging – By stimulating circulation, herbal facials not only promotes cell regeneration but also helps reduce appearance of fine lines wrinkles, giving you youthful look without need of expensive treatments! You can read more about facial steaming and wrinkles here.

what herbs are good for steaming your face

Best herbs for facial steam

There are many different types of herbs that you can use for facial steams including chamomile, lavender, rosemary, peppermint leaves or flowers. Each herb has its own unique properties which provide various benefits such as calming inflammation or reducing redness in the face. Here are some popular herbs commonly found in face steam recipes:

Chamomile: This herb has calming effects on both the mind and body, making it perfect for reducing stress levels before bedtime or after a long day at work. Its antiseptic qualities also make it an effective treatment against acne breakouts.

Lavender: Not only does this fragrant herb smell amazing, but its antibacterial properties can help fight bacteria on your skin, while its antioxidants protect from environmental damage like sun exposure or pollution particles floating around us every day!

Rosemary: This powerful antioxidant helps reduce inflammation caused by acne or other irritations while stimulating cell renewal which increases collagen production, helping keep wrinkles away longer! Rosemary is also great for purifying oily complexions.

Peppermint: The cooling sensation of peppermint makes it ideal for soothing redness associated with rosacea and other types of irritation like eczema flare-ups, as well as providing relief from headaches due to colds/allergies when inhaled during steam sessions. Peppermint provides cooling relief from acne breakouts.

Roses have antibacterial properties that make them perfect for treating blemishes.

Calendula is a herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, particularly for its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s known as one of nature’s most effective healing herbs, making it perfect for use on sensitive or irritated skin. When used in a facial steam, calendula helps soothe redness and irritation while also providing antiseptic benefits which can help keep your complexion clear and healthy looking.

If you’re looking to give yourself an extra boost during your next facial steam session, then why not try mixing together some of these wonderful ingredients? You could even add essential oils such as tea tree oil, which boasts antibacterial qualities – perfect if you want something with a little bit more kick!

No matter what type of herbal blend you choose, it’s important to remember not to overdo it – two tablespoons per cup should do just fine! When using these powerful plants, take care not to leave them on your face longer than 10 minutes, as this could cause irritation (especially if you have sensitive skin). Afterward rinse with cool water then apply a moisturizer appropriate for your specific needs – dry/normal/oily etc.

what herbs to put in a facial steam - callendula flowers

How to do a herbal facial steam?

If you’re looking to really pamper yourself with a herbal steam treatment at home then all you need is some boiling water (or hot tea) mixed with your chosen herb or combination thereof – simply pour into a bowl/pot/mug etc., place your head over it (with towel draped over the head if necessary), close eyes & breathe deeply for 10 minutes – voilà! You should instantly feel calmer after this simple yet effective ritual – perfect before bedtime too! So why not give these amazing herbs a try today? Your skin will thank you later!

Can you put herbs in a facial steamer?

Yes, you can put herbs in a facial steamer! Using herbs with a facial steamer will help bring out their natural oils. You can use dried or fresh herbs like lavender, rosemary, chamomile, and mint as well as essential oils like tea tree oil. Just make sure to follow the instructions on your particular model of facial steamer so that you don’t damage it or cause any harm to yourself.

herbal facial blend

How many times you have to steam your face?

While it’s important to steam your face regularly for optimal results, you don’t need to do it too often – once a month or once a week should be enough!

When using these herbal remedies in combination with other treatments like masks or exfoliants, you will be able to achieve maximum results from your skincare regimen! Not only do these herbal remedies help keep your complexion healthy, but they also smell amazing, which makes them even more enjoyable when using during a relaxing spa experience at home! So why not give this age-old beauty ritual a try today?

Happy steaming everyone 🙂

About the Author Jaylee Burmer

Jaylee always brings positivity into every room she enters! She is passionate about writing since 2015 and loves to share her thoughts with the world. Her posts range from topics such as fashion, lifestyle, travel and health & wellness - all with an inspiring twist!

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