The skin is a reflection of the soul. However, not only emotional problems are visible on the skin. Pimples and blemishes on the face can also be signs of physical problems and changes. Find out where acne is on your face and what it means!

Face Mapping: What acne on certain parts of your face means

location of acne on face meaning
instagram @pimpyourprana

Face mapping is about analyzing the skin based on the location of blemishes or pimples in order to draw conclusions about habits, problems, and health. Acne is a warning signal from the body for inflammation. The method comes from traditional Chinese medicine, but can also be very informative for laypeople. To do this, you only need to know the different zones on the face map.

Face Map: The Different Zones

Some divide the face into 5, some into 7, some into 11 zones, with which pimples and blemishes can be located and interpreted. Each zone is assigned to a specific organ or bodily function.

what does acne mean on forehead
instagram @madeleineedwards

What does it mean to have acne on your forehead

The forehead is assigned to the digestive system, bladder, and liver in face mapping. Acne in this area can indicate that one is eating too unhealthy and fatty, has an intolerance, or another digestive problem.

Pimples between the eyebrows

If you find pimples on the third eye (between the eyebrows), you should stay away from alcohol for a while. Often, excessive alcohol consumption or fatty foods are the reason for pimples in this area. The zone between the eyebrows is assigned to the liver.

what acne on nose and between eyes means
canva @diversifylens

Pimples on the nose

A pimple in the middle of the nose? This not only looks unsightly, but can also indicate too much strain on the circulatory system. This zone is assigned to the heart, lungs, and pancreas. If you regularly exercise and have no other heart problems, you can be reassured. Pimples also often form on the nose when you don’t cleanse your face thoroughly enough and clog the pores.

Pimples on the temples or ears

What does it mean if you have acne on the side of your face? The zone of the kidneys! If pimples appear on the temples or ears, this usually indicates an overload of the kidneys. This can be triggered by being overweight or having high blood pressure. It is helpful to drink a lot and eat potassium-rich food.

Pimples on the chin

The chin and the area around the mouth are also assigned to the digestive system, but hormonal changes also make themselves felt there. The female cycle is especially reflected in this area.

what does it mean if you have acne on the side of your face
instagram @sofiagrahn

Pimples on the neck

Pimples on the neck and décolleté occur when the immune system is weakened. However, the wrong cleansing or care can also be to blame. Please treat your neck and décolleté the same way as your face and use appropriate cleansing products. Shower gel and co. could be too aggressive and upset the balance of the skin. Also, spray perfume on your clothes instead of your neck if you discover blemishes there.

what does it mean when acne on cheeks
pexels @anna-nekrashevich

What does it mean when acne on cheeks

The cheek area is assigned to the lungs. So if pimples form on the cheek, it could have something to do with the lungs being overloaded, for example, due to smoking, fine dust, or exhaust fumes. We don’t need to explain here that smoking is not good, anti-pollution ingredients help against other environmental influences. And by the way: clean your smartphone regularly, as bacteria from the screen can get onto the skin and wreak havoc there.

About the Author Jaylee Burmer

Jaylee always brings positivity into every room she enters! She is passionate about writing since 2015 and loves to share her thoughts with the world. Her posts range from topics such as fashion, lifestyle, travel and health & wellness - all with an inspiring twist!

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