Hey there, beauty lovers! We know you love trying out the latest trends in nail polish and experimenting with different colors and designs. But what happens when your nails start to discolor from all of the switching? It’s not ideal to keep painting over it or take a break until they look healthy again – that’s where TikTok comes in! The social media platform is currently buzzing about an amazing beauty hack that can help restore your nails back to their natural color. So if you’re dealing with stained nails from nail polish, don’t worry – we got you covered! All you need is toothpaste! Here’s everything you need to know about this genius trick!

Why does nail polish stain my nails yellow?

how to get rid of yellow stained fingernails from nail polish

Nail polish contains a variety of chemicals that can stain and discolor your nails over time. This is especially true if you wear dark colors or apply multiple layers of nail polish without giving them enough time to dry in between coats. The staining occurs because the pigments used in most polishes are not entirely colorfast, meaning they will gradually break down and release their color onto your nails as they age.

The good news is that there are some things you can do to prevent this from happening! First off, make sure to give each layer of nail polish plenty of time (at least 10 minutes) before applying another coat on top – this will help ensure all layers have had enough time to dry completely before being sealed with additional coats. Additionally, avoid using very dark shades when possible since these tend to be more prone to staining than lighter colors like pastels or nudes – opt for those instead whenever possible! Finally, don’t forget about base and top coats – these provide an extra layer between the pigment-filled lacquer itself and your natural nails, which helps protect them from becoming stained over extended periods wearing colored polishes regularly.

Does toothpaste remove nail polish stains? The social media hack for stained nails

how to remove yellow nail polish stains from nails with toothpaste

Just like toothpaste can get teeth sparkling clean, it can also make nails clean and shiny. The culprit is hydrogen peroxide, which is found in most toothpastes. The active ingredient lightens nails just like it does teeth.

Videos with instructions for the toothpaste hack are currently popping up all over TikTok and Instagram. The application is just as simple and genius as it sounds.

By the way, cigarettes or cleaning products can also cause yellowish discoloration on the nails, but toothpaste can help with that too. And here are 5 tips how to treat brittle nails at home.

How to clean stained nails with toothpaste

How to get rid of stained nails from nail polish with toothpaste

The toothpaste hack is really super easy and after a few steps, your nails will be shining again.

Step 1: Add a small amount of toothpaste and 1 teaspoon coconut oil in a bowl. Apply to your nails and let it work for about 10 minutes.
Step 2: Massage the toothpaste into the nails with a hand or toothbrush.
Step 3: Rinse off the toothpaste, apply nail oil, and moisturize your hands.

After the first use, your nails will be noticeably whiter. Depending on how strong the discoloration is (especially if it’s caused by smoking), the treatment may need to be repeated. It’s best to gently rub the nails twice a week, not more often, until they shine naturally again.

About the Author Jaylee Burmer

Jaylee always brings positivity into every room she enters! She is passionate about writing since 2015 and loves to share her thoughts with the world. Her posts range from topics such as fashion, lifestyle, travel and health & wellness - all with an inspiring twist!

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