Do you sometimes have to deal with unpleasant sweat odors? Then you might be interested in the TikTok trend called “Armpit Detox”. We took a closer look at the supposed magical solution against sweat odor. Sweat odor is something completely natural. But it is still not beautiful! Most of us spray deodorant under our armpits every day to prevent us from smelling of sweat after even minor effort. The problem: many conventional deodorants contain potentially harmful aluminum salts. And natural deodorants aren’t always the best alternative, either, because they’re sometimes just not as effective. The possible solution: an armpit detox! The TikTok trend is said to combat unpleasant sweat odors. It is also supposed to rid the armpits of toxins that have collected there due to the wrong deodorant and support the effect of natural deodorant.

What does armpit detox mean?

do you need armpit detox

Surely you already know the term “Detox” in connection with other topics – for example, from the “Detox diet”. This refers to a detoxification procedure that is supposed to rid the body of various harmful substances. What is the key to the underarm detox? The mask is also meant to boost the deodorant’s effectiveness.

And what does detoxing your armpits do? The mask draws bacteria, yeast, fungus, oil and sebum from the skin, cleansing your pores and assisting your deodorant in eliminating bacteria-related odors. And it doesn’t end there! Underarm detoxification is said to have many more benefits: It is supposed to protect and rebalance the skin’s microbiome. Among other things, the microbiome is responsible for protecting our skin from pathogens. Detox is believed to remove “build-ups,” deposits caused by chemicals in deodorants, for example. This should reduce the formation of odors.

How to detox armpits

Bentonite clay and glass of water for armpit mask

Step 1: Avoid using conventional deodorants
During the detox, you completely avoid deodorants that contain aluminium salts. These are intended to minimize sweating. However, in the long term, aluminium compounds might clog your pores and cause skin irritation. In addition, aluminium salts are not entirely undisputed in terms of health.

Step 2: Apply the Detox Mask
The central part of the Detox is the mask made of bentonite clay. This is applied twice a week for two to three weeks and removed after 10–20 minutes with a wet wash cloth.

By the way, you can also leave the mixture on overnight – this is supposed to make the Detox even more effective. But even with the “normal” application, the remedy should work up to 24 hours.

Step 3: Use natural products
Instead of conventional deodorant, the “armpit detox” relies on natural deodorant.

In addition, some users swear by probiotic skin care. This is supposed to support the skin’s microbiome and ensure a balance of bacteria – and thus reduce odor formation under certain circumstances.

Armpit detox recipe

Behind the trend is a fairly simple mask made from healing clay, apple cider vinegar and water:

  • One teaspoon of bentonite healing clay
  • Half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • One tablespoon of water

All you have to do is mix it all together and then apply it with your hands or a beauty spatula. Leave on, wash off, done!

Can you make armpit detox without bentonite clay?

It is also possible to make an armpit detox without bentonite clay. Ingredients such as baking soda, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, essential oils, witch hazel, and activated charcoal can all help. These ingredients work together to help draw out impurities from the skin, regulate its pH levels and reduce odor.

To make an armpit detox without bentonite clay, simply combine 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of sea salt in a bowl to prepare an armpit detox without bentonite clay. Stir the mixture until all the salt has been dissolved. Apply a cotton ball to your armpits after dipping it in the solution. Allow 10–15 minutes to sit before washing with warm water.

How often should you do detox your armpits?

The frequency of an armpit detox will be determined by a number of factors, including the degree of your perspiration or body odor. If you have excessive perspiration, you may need to detox every week or even every few days. If you use natural deodorants and antiperspirants, you may not need to undergo an armpit detox as frequently, and once every two to three weeks may enough.

Does armpit detox really work?

DIY armpit detox with bentonite clay recipe

Scientific research does not back up the efficacy of armpit detox. There is no scientific proof to support the claim that detoxifying the armpits can lessen body odor or get rid of bacteria, even while it is plausible that some of the chemicals used in the detox combination may have some antibacterial or antiseptic characteristics.

Let’s take a closer look at the individual components:

Bentonite clay
Bentonite consists of various minerals and is used in particular in the cosmetic industry due to its absorbent properties. It absorbs excess skin fat, bacteria and pollutants, for example, and is thus a popular acne and oily skin treatment.

But does healing clay also help against sweat odors? What is certain is that a mask is super cleansing. Bacteria can cause unpleasant odors, so deep cleansing is recommended. As for detoxification via the skin barrier, the situation is less clear. You should keep in mind, however, that our bodies primarily break down toxins in the liver and kidneys – not through the skin.

Apple cider vinegar
What do we know about apple cider vinegar? The liquid is a well-known treatment for excessive sweating, whether on your feet or armpits. This is due to the fact that apple cider vinegar can help shrink sweat glands and decrease sweating.

In addition, the home treatment might reduce the pH of the skin. This makes bacteria’s lives more difficult and reduces unwanted smells.

Conclusion: The armpit detox mask is not always a true miracle treatment for sweating. It is not guaranteed that it will make you smell less like sweat. However, the basic idea of doing without chemicals and cleaning the skin under the arms deep into the pores from time to time is not that bad. Give it a try!

Something important: Skin care is always highly individual. Only you can choose if the advice we provide or the products we recommend will be beneficial to you. If you have very sensitive skin that tends to irritate, you should consult a skin specialist. This way, you are guaranteed to find the care that is right for your skin.

About the Author Jessy Adams

Jessy Adams is deeply committed to assisting people in living a more fashionable and healthier lifestyle, and she sincerely feels that this is the key to living a happy life. She has been blogging since 2008. Jessy is the person to go to for advice on fashion, hair, and good eating. She consistently manages to distill difficult themes into tangible advice that her readers can put into action. Jessy's information is always provided in an easy-to-digest format, and she always backs up her advise with credible references.

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